You can read Part One by clicking here.
Phase 3
Congratulations! Before we get to the nuts and bolts of phase three lets look at your new life so far after only twelve days.
- You are now the leader of a big (and growing) social group filled cool guys and hot women.
- You're the popular guy and other men want to do you favors and are inviting you to to places left and right.
- Women are texting and chasing you. They all know that lots of other women are as well which makes them chase you all the harder.
- You have an awesome club hookup and get VIP there for free every time and get free drinks and such.
Fucking awesome!
Now lets grow your social circle even more while lessening the work load.
Phase 3
Congratulations! Before we get to the nuts and bolts of phase three lets look at your new life so far after only twelve days.
- You are now the leader of a big (and growing) social group filled cool guys and hot women.
- You're the popular guy and other men want to do you favors and are inviting you to to places left and right.
- Women are texting and chasing you. They all know that lots of other women are as well which makes them chase you all the harder.
- You have an awesome club hookup and get VIP there for free every time and get free drinks and such.
Fucking awesome!
Now lets grow your social circle even more while lessening the work load.
By now you should have at least 50+ people (could easily be more like 100+) who have been to your parties and to the club VIP with you. You have a very active facebook group that contains a ton of pics. Everyone who sees the group realizes how much fun it is. If you dont have all this then you need to go out and approach more people and add more people from facebook. If, however, you do meet these standards then most of your work is done for you. The group will now grow on its own by word of mouth. People who have been to your party will tell their friends and then those friends will eventually tell their friends, so on and so forth.
Your social circle is now pretty much on autopilot and new men and women are being constantly introduced into it which means you will always have a fresh supply of women to seduce. Better yet all these women will see the other women flirting with you and chasing you and many of them will start to do the same.
Its not all easy sailing, however! The bigger your circle grows the more drama you can possibly have. At some point your group and and will attract trouble makers that causes drama within your circle. Its best to give these people the boot as quickly as possible to keep everyone (including yourself) happy.
Once your circle gets bigger you can start throwing parties and club outings multiple nights a week. Its now a good time to also seek VIP at other clubs too to so the one club doesn't get stale. Pretty soon you will have hookups to all the major clubs and over 150+ in your network. Once this happens its time to start making some money for your efforts.
Phase 4
Early on it helped to have promoter friends and just add your group to their list but now its time for you to become the promoter. The big downside is now your going to piss off all your promoter friends because now your going to be making the money! Now, however, you have a big enough group to have a ton of leverage so there is really nothing they can do about it. Simply talk to the club managers and tell them you want to be a promoter and want half the door price for each person you bring in. So if the club charges a 10 dollar cover you now get 5 per person. If you get 50 people to go out with you thats 250.00 for doing nothing but partying and doing the same stuff you have been doing. You will also still get free VIP and drinks. Fuck yeah!
Don't stop there. Call up a few high class restaurants and ask to talk to the manager. "Hello my name is ________ and I'm the leader of a very large social club filled with young hungry people. I'm calling around and seeing which restaurant would like our business the most." Keep talking and the manager will offer your perks such as having your meal for free and everyone else's discounted. If not then simply call the next place. Now you get your meal free and your group loves you even more because your getting them a great meal at a discounted price. It doesn't stop there though, you can do this will all kinds of businesses. Call up indoor rock climbing places, camping sites, paintball places, museums, etc.
Once you get a big facebook group with several hundred members or more you can even advertise on it.
CAUTION: Advertising too much will devalue the group and make people feel like your less of a friend and leader and more of a marketer.
Find a product or service that people in your group might actually like and then contact that business and tell them about your group. See how much they will pay you to put a link to their product/service a couple times a month on your group page. For example, a local wine shop payed me to post a link to their place 2 times a month. I didn't charge them much but I had a few other businesses pay me too. I also got free memberships and passes at the local zoo and a huge amusement park for advertising them on my group. People will scratch their back if you scratch theirs.
Be creative and you will find many ways and opportunities to make money from your group.
You can have a great lifestyle filled with cool guys and hot women who are chasing you and all it takes is a little work on your part. Trust me, the effort is worth it. Go out, put in the work and then enjoy the spoils. I love cold approach but its not the easiest or most efficient way to sleep with a lot of hot women, this system is. You don't have to fight an uphill battle every day. If you enjoy cold approach (I know I do) then continue to do it but do yourself a favor and make life easy for yourself as well. Let them chase you for once.
Have fun guys,
Jeff "Warped Mindless" Stanton
Your social circle is now pretty much on autopilot and new men and women are being constantly introduced into it which means you will always have a fresh supply of women to seduce. Better yet all these women will see the other women flirting with you and chasing you and many of them will start to do the same.
Its not all easy sailing, however! The bigger your circle grows the more drama you can possibly have. At some point your group and and will attract trouble makers that causes drama within your circle. Its best to give these people the boot as quickly as possible to keep everyone (including yourself) happy.
Once your circle gets bigger you can start throwing parties and club outings multiple nights a week. Its now a good time to also seek VIP at other clubs too to so the one club doesn't get stale. Pretty soon you will have hookups to all the major clubs and over 150+ in your network. Once this happens its time to start making some money for your efforts.
Phase 4
Early on it helped to have promoter friends and just add your group to their list but now its time for you to become the promoter. The big downside is now your going to piss off all your promoter friends because now your going to be making the money! Now, however, you have a big enough group to have a ton of leverage so there is really nothing they can do about it. Simply talk to the club managers and tell them you want to be a promoter and want half the door price for each person you bring in. So if the club charges a 10 dollar cover you now get 5 per person. If you get 50 people to go out with you thats 250.00 for doing nothing but partying and doing the same stuff you have been doing. You will also still get free VIP and drinks. Fuck yeah!
Don't stop there. Call up a few high class restaurants and ask to talk to the manager. "Hello my name is ________ and I'm the leader of a very large social club filled with young hungry people. I'm calling around and seeing which restaurant would like our business the most." Keep talking and the manager will offer your perks such as having your meal for free and everyone else's discounted. If not then simply call the next place. Now you get your meal free and your group loves you even more because your getting them a great meal at a discounted price. It doesn't stop there though, you can do this will all kinds of businesses. Call up indoor rock climbing places, camping sites, paintball places, museums, etc.
Once you get a big facebook group with several hundred members or more you can even advertise on it.
CAUTION: Advertising too much will devalue the group and make people feel like your less of a friend and leader and more of a marketer.
Find a product or service that people in your group might actually like and then contact that business and tell them about your group. See how much they will pay you to put a link to their product/service a couple times a month on your group page. For example, a local wine shop payed me to post a link to their place 2 times a month. I didn't charge them much but I had a few other businesses pay me too. I also got free memberships and passes at the local zoo and a huge amusement park for advertising them on my group. People will scratch their back if you scratch theirs.
Be creative and you will find many ways and opportunities to make money from your group.
You can have a great lifestyle filled with cool guys and hot women who are chasing you and all it takes is a little work on your part. Trust me, the effort is worth it. Go out, put in the work and then enjoy the spoils. I love cold approach but its not the easiest or most efficient way to sleep with a lot of hot women, this system is. You don't have to fight an uphill battle every day. If you enjoy cold approach (I know I do) then continue to do it but do yourself a favor and make life easy for yourself as well. Let them chase you for once.
Have fun guys,
Jeff "Warped Mindless" Stanton